Now if you’re not familiar with the characters I’ll take a moment to apprise you. FYI this is called baseless accusations because…well, just keep reading :)
This is Evelyn (Lorada) she was the fiancee' to some guy for 10 years. (We’re not as much concerned about the men as we are the actual characters) She eventually tired of their relationship and they are “separated.”
:record scratches: How are you “separated” when you were never married? I guess I can’t hate cause my girl Monica said the same thing about her and Rocko. (Different post)
Notice I didn’t say SHE left him. Because to date, I haven’t heard anything on the show indicating SHE was the one who initiated the separation. She did say it’d gotten to a point where she just couldn’t take it anymore, but she didn’t say she chunked deuces to him.
I like Evelyn, she’s uppity but still down to earth. Meaning, she worries about her reputation but in the grand scheme of things, when it comes down to being authentic, I think she is.
Royce Reed. She’s funny in some respects and in others it’s like, “Come on chick, get it together.” She hasn’t been tainted by the fame of being Dwight Howard’s baby mama. But at 29, I want her to do a little bit better. For example, stay out of the bubble jackets and minimize the p-popping in a handstand. She’s very relatable in the sense that she has a carefree, say-what-you-want attitude. But on the flipside she is too old for some of the crap she does. Just because you look 16 doesn’t mean you should act it.
:sigh: Jennifer Williams. Not only is she the fakest, she’s the one I feel the sorriest for. She’s a walking prop. She’s so concerned with image but she’s the one who has it the absolute worst. Her husband, Eric Williams, some RETIRED basketball player is an ASSHOLE. Their marriage is in shambles, he’s NOT nice to her and she clearly doesn’t want to be there but doesn’t want to give up the “stuff.” That’s the only reason she’s around. He makes no public apology for cheating on her, talks to her like shit, doesn’t want to have kids with her. It’s like…
This is only the beginning. We’ll get back to this.
Gloria Govan. She’s funny. Sometimes to her own detriment. She’s a fiancee'/baby mama. Ok, that’s fine, it “is what it is.” BUTTTT! She’s so cocky about her relationship with Matt Barnes that when it comes out that he’s cheating…and it will, no one is going to feel sorry for her. It’s one thing to have faith in your man. No problem with that. But to assume the rest of the women could “learn something” from you and that they’re “jealous” of y’all’s relationship is a bit out of line. Not to mention, homeboy is SUSPECT. He’s cheating on her. If yal’s relationship was so great and stable, why are you his BM and not his wife? C’mon. Baseless Accusation or future reality? I’m just saying.
Shaunie O’Neal is pimping these chicks. Period. She’s technically not on the show, ever, save random unwanted commentary. She tells them to get together or do certain things and they do it. And I’m sure just to use her name and image is getting her paid. I say again…PIMPING at it’s finest.
Suzie Ketcham is as useless as Shaunie. She’s the ex-girlfriend of Michael Olowokondi. Exactly. She’s about as relevant as he is. But I will give her props for throwing a drink on the “groupie.” That was classic (as was the conversation that followed) Other than that…just another boogie chick who never really had a real position, but whom we’ll call a “wife” anyway.
Stay tuned for more BASELESS ACCUSATIONS. Be sure to leave comments regarding who your favorite “wife” is and anything else of relevance. You can catch previous episodes on
♥ Author Tierra ♥
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