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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Rethinking LOVE

We've got to abandon our definition of love. Even with hearing 1 Corinthians 13, we still hold on to the love we've always known. Let it go.

FACT: There's love and fear. There's no fear in love. If your love has any aspect of fear in it, it's not love. If your love has any aspect of fear in it.... it IS NOT love.

You may be afraid of the unkown in your relationship, but as long as you are not stifled by your apprehension and don't make decisions based on your apprehension, you're not acting in fear.

Pastor Rudy Rasmus of St. John's Downtown suggests there are two responses we can give to any situation. One of them is love, the other is fear. The bible says there's no fear in love. If you've been operating in fear; afraid to truly give of yourself for fear that you will be taken advantage of, afraid to forgive for fear that you will be hurt again, I invite you to do away with the "old love" and pick up some new love.

Love is an action, it's not a feeling. Start loving. Stop fearing. I love you and there's nothing you can do about it.

1 comment:

  1. Well said, Tierra. Very well said.

    "Love is an action. Not a feeling." I strongly think this is why so many relationships these days don't make it in the long run, because people forget to do the work. I intend to steer clear of fearful relationships and focus more on the ones I can truly love this year.
