There is something to be learned in episode 5 from each of these girls:
Is not the person to take advice from. Her priceless suggestions include: “Cheat on him, too.” Well, when has adding more of the same “problem” EVER caused good things to happen?
No one adds additional fuel to a grease fire, nor do you add water to an overflowing tub, so WHY would this be helpful? It won’t. Suzie needs to take a seat.
Another piece of ill-timed and maleficent advice was for Evelyn to start dating and find a man to “take care of her.” Uhm… isn’t this what has her assed-out right now? I’m just saying. Don’t listen to Suzie, ladies, in fact do the opposite of whatever she suggests.
Needs to figure out what it is she wants and start moving in that direction. Lesson to be learned here, it doesn’t take 10 years for someone to decide they want to marry you. Meanwhile, the 10 years you invest will yield you practically no return. In other words…
Poor Jen needs to find new friends or listen to that very still voice in her head. She has common sense, I can see it in her face. She needs to charge it to the game; stop trying to be young and be seen and instead live the rest of her life. Ladies, let this be a lesson to you. A million dollar price tag sounds like a lot when it seems out of your reach, but when you sell yourself short, you end up damaged goods that’s not some “shit he’ll buy.” Set your price tag at “Priceless.”
Royce and Gloria
Let’s face it, the ladies played Royce. He say, she say at it’s finest. On the one hand you have the “I’m looking out for you” speech, but on the other, Jen, Suzie and Evelyn are sitting back making fun of you in their downtime, too. When it’s all said and done, they’re cowering in a corner while Royce gets the shit literally kicked and beat out of her.
Gloria, ye olde fall from ye high horse will not be graceful. She’s funny, she talks down on Suzie for having a nanny, but Suzie has a job (i.e. her own money, so in the untimely event that Gloria ends up assed out like the rest of these ladies, what is she going to fall back on? Won’t be the degree she doesn’t have or isn’t utilizing…Oh that’s right, child support :wink:).
At 23, sitting home and taking care of the kids sounds good, but when you’re their age and look up and realize, a) not only have you had kids at the ONSET of your prime, but b) you’re literally stuck at home, playing housewife while “boo” is out cheating, you’ll be just as bitter and angry as the rest of them are. Because let’s face it, we know he is.
She’s fake, I don’t think she ever told Royce that she “couldn’t” hang with her in general, and why are you trying to keep up appearances anyway? If you think she’s cool, what is this, I would seem like “I’m sleeping with the enemy?” nonsense. Do you boo!
SMH: Lesson here, be authentic. But don’t let your well-to-do intentions be the downfall of your relationships.
‘Til next time… leave your comments on tonight’s Baseless Accusations.
♥Author Tierra ♥
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